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Has Him Foaming At The Mouth

, , , , | Right | June 7, 2018

(I work at a large chain arts and crafts store. I’m usually at the fabric counter, but tonight I am working registers. My coworker, the only other person on registers tonight, gives me that “Dear God, please save me” expression. She has a middle-aged man with a large slab of green upholstery foam in his cart at her register.)

Coworker: “This guest wants to know if we can ring up this foam for him.”

Customer: “I have the barcode for it right here.” *shows me the image on his phone*

Me: “I’m sorry; you need to take that back to the cutting counter so they can measure and price it for you.”

Customer: “But I have the price right here!”

Me: “I noticed. But it still needs to be taken back to the cutting counter so we can make sure it’s two and a half yards long, so we don’t overcharge you.”

Customer: “You can’t just do it from this? It’s just $69.99.”

Me: “It’s store policy that our green foam is measured and cut by the counter.”

Customer: “You mean I have to stand back there with all those women?”

Me: *pause* “That is what that would imply, yes.”

Customer: *wheeling his cart back out of the till* “Just so you know, that’s a s***ty policy!”

Me: “He’s going to s*** a brick when he realizes that’s $70 a yard. Should I call out and tell our entirely female staff at the counter about this guy?”

Coworker: “Definitely.”

(As far as I know, he didn’t get his foam and hasn’t been back.)

This story is part of our Crafting Roundup!

Read the next Crafting Roundup story!

Read the Crafting Roundup!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!