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Encounters with friends & strangers

Caught Napping

| Friendly | June 27, 2014

(We’re two couples of new parents, watching our kids play at the park. A few months ago, the other couple wasn’t able to come to my 40th birthday party. We’re all pretty tired and wish our kids would sleep.)

Me: “Okay, all the people under 4 years old, have a nap!”

Friend: “Even better: all the people under 40 years old, have a nap!”

Me: “Well, too bad for me, then” *pretend sad face*

Friend: *stupefied* “What!? You’re over 40?!”

(He felt very stupid suddenly. Next time, come to my party!)

A Simple Pimple Friendship

, | Friendly | June 27, 2014

(My best friend is staying with me overnight in my college dorm room. This conversation occurs through the rather-thin bathroom door after a long day of volunteering at the local art fair.)

Me: “Eep!”

Friend: “What is it?”

Me: “Huge pimple on my backside.”

Friend: “How huge?”

Me: “Call the bomb squad huge.”

Friend: *knocks on the door* “I got the bomb squad for you!”

Me: *opens door slightly to see what she is talking about*

Friend: *hands me her specialized body scrub* “Best team in the business, ma’am. The field will be clear in no time!”

American By Birth(s)

| Friendly | June 27, 2014

(I just moved back to my home town. My mom and I are shopping. My mom walks away to get something while I am standing with the cart. A Muslim couple walks in. The woman is wearing a hijab. Another couple I know who live in my town, who are known to be racist, walks into the store, as well.)

Racist: “Go home, you d*** terrorist!. This is a Christian nation! You foreigners are taking food stamps and welfare away from pure white Americans who need it!”

Woman: “I hope you know that I am American and I was born in the United States.”

Racist: “Yeah, right. The only true Americans are Christians!”

(I feel the need to intervene.)

Me: “You are not acting very Christian-like! Jesus loves everyone!” *to the Muslim woman* “I am sorry, miss. Not all us are like this.”

Woman: “I know, sweetheart.”

(My mother comes back and then gasps.)

Mother: “I can’t believe it!” *grabs my arm and pulls me towards the Muslim woman* “Honey, this woman is the doctor that delivered you as a baby!”

Woman: “Oh, wow! How are old are you now?”

Me: “21.”

Woman: “Wait, are you by any chance [My Name]?”

Me: “Yes, I am!”

Woman: “You are the first baby I ever delivered! I never forgot the name of the first baby I delivered!”

(The racist couple huffed and stomped off while we all caught up!)

Transforming His Opinion

| Friendly | June 26, 2014

(I am a big fan of Transformers. People know it by the hat and necklace I wear, which depicts my favorite faction. The background of my laptop is an image of a member of that faction. At a cafe I am at, a couple men in their twenties are chatting at a nearby table. Note: I am female.)

Guy #1: “Hey!” *points at me and whispers*

Guy #2: “Really?”

Guy #1: *walks over* “Hey, girl, do you actually know anything about Transformers?”

Me: “Yeah, I do.”

Guy #1: “Suuure you do.”

(I start getting annoyed because I figure he thinks I don’t know anything due to my gender.)

Me: “I’m sure you know more, then?”

Guy #1: Yeah!

Me: *switches my laptop to the desktop, turns it so he can see* “Why don’t you tell me about this guy?”

Guy #1: “Uh, he’s a [Faction].”

Me: “What about his vehicle mode?”

Guy #1: “Well, he has wings, so he’s a jet, duh!”

Me: “And?”

Guy #1: “And what?”

Me: “[Character’s Name]’s a jet and a car, a French fighter jet, and a [Japanese Car Brand]. He’s known as ‘Triplechanger.'”

Guy #1: “Everyone knows that.”

Me: *smirking* “No, not everyone does.”

Guy #1: “Why do you say that?”

Me: “I made this character…”

Had A Few Too Many Butterbeers

| Friendly | June 26, 2014

(I’m waiting for a train to arrive when I witness this event.)

Intoxicated Stranger: “I’m going to Hogwarts!” *runs into support beam*