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Behind Every Princess Is A KING

, , , , , , | Working | April 7, 2023

I work at a gym and actually have relatively cool managers. I am at the front desk with one of the managers, but he is currently busy and has asked me to try and handle things unless I absolutely need him.

I’m greeting members when a young guy walks in holding a piece of paper.

Me: “Good morning, welcome in! How are you doing today?”

Guy: “Y’all got a manager I can talk to?”

I briefly glance at my manager and he shakes his head.

Me: “My manager is currently unavailable, but maybe I can help you?”

Guy: *Huffs* “Y’all hiring?”

Me: “We are. They are accepting applications through our website. I can show you if you’d like.”

Guy: “I wanna give my resume to the manager.”

Me: “I’d be happy to pass along your resume and information. In the meantime, I’d strongly suggest going to our website and applying online. Our hiring manager is very good about going through the online process.”

Guy: *Condescendingly* “Nah. Why don’t you run along and fetch me your manager, princess?”

Before I can say anything, my manager stops what he is doing and walks over.

Manager: “Hi! I’m the manager. I can take that from you.”

He extends his hand for the resume. The guy looks at me smugly and hands it over. My manager immediately crumples up the resume and throws it in the trash. The guy’s face falls.

Manager: *Pissed* “You can leave now, and don’t bother applying online. You have a nice day now, princess.”

The guy leaves with his tail between his legs.

Me: “Have I told you that you’re my favorite manager? Thank you.”

Manager: “No problem. F*** that guy. We don’t want someone with that attitude working here.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!