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What Came First, The Thief Or The Egg?

, , , , , | Right | February 23, 2024

An older man who looks clean and well-off comes into the store about five minutes to close and buys some eggs and bacon.

Customer: *To the cashier, after paying* “One of those eggs looks slightly cracked.”

Cashier: “So it is! Would you like to walk back and switch out the cartons?”

Customer: “Yes, I will.”

It turns out that he purposely bought a carton of eggs which had one egg slightly cracked. He goes back into the store knowing we will be closing up shop soon and that he is going to be let out without us looking him over too much after getting those eggs.

What he doesn’t know is that there is a security guard who overhears his inquiry to go back into the store and starts watching him. When he stuffs two extra packs of bacon and an extra carton of eggs into his bag, the security guard calmly walks to the exit to intercept him.

He makes it one step outside, and while being questioned by security and escorted back inside, he puts the items that he actually paid for down on the ground. The security guard hands me the stolen food, but the thief LEAVES HIS PAID-FOR FOOD OUTSIDE.

Soon after, a couple appears banging on the door a few minutes after closing.


I couldn’t help them as there was no way to cash them out, but they did notice the still-cold eggs and bacon outside the door. And, well, beggars can’t be choosers, am I right? 

Instant Karma for the thief, and something I have never seen since that day, and will never ever see again! Too perfect!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!