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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #299026

| Unfiltered | August 15, 2023

The statistic courses I did at university were open book exams. Knowing how to apply the different statistic tests was the aim, learning formulas by heart was not the point. (And without the book, the department would have to provide every student with a lot of reference tables for the exam.) So there was this clear rule you couldn’t write any notes in your book. But you were allowed to have a single sheet of paper with your own handwritten notes, so there wasn’t a real need to write in your book. These rules were mentioned several times during the course and were in the syllabus.

Due to some health issues I failed my course the first time and would have to retake it later. In the mean time someone asked my if she could borrow my book for her course. I knew her from several courses and she had helped me at some point when I was struggling due to my health, so I was happy to lend her my book.

When I retook my course, one of the first lectures I discovered she had written in several places in my book. It was in pencil, so I was able to erase it relatively well. But I was angry of course. The idea you write in someone else’s book is just wrong. But in this case it mend she had been cheating (even though I doubt these notes would have made much difference) and I could have been in major trouble if my book would have been check during the exam. (Which didn’t happen and I passed the exam with one of my best marks.)
She was really not the person I would have expected to do something so clearly against the rules. As I didn’t see her often at that time, there was never a good moment to say anything about it and it felt pointless after some time to bring it up, so I never got an apology or such.

Unfiltered Story #298995

, | Unfiltered | August 15, 2023

There is an employee who is none of the work, all of the glory. She decided to take over my role in setting up computers and billing our third-party IT guy $150/hr to set it up for her. That way she can take all of the credit, while taking none of the effort. It is an hour out of my day so I am actually fine with it all.

One of the things she always says is we need to document things in the event one of us is hit by a bus. I am a strong believer in teaching others how to help themselves so without much prompting I did exactly that in August 2017 so that she could pass the baton on to anyone. It is easy as pie.

For about six months she consistently nags me for this document. I always give it to her without much of a fuss because again I don’t want it. Each time she acts like I am holding this document hostage and refusing to give it up. I eventually get fed up and just email it to the guy who is doing the work for her, playing dumb.

After that, she decides to berate me and tell me how it is an “incomplete” document. I repeatedly ask her what needs to be fixed, but she never does. Neither does the IT guy. This goes on for another six months. During this time, they set up maybe one computer.

All during this year-long period, she continues to gossip to any and everyone about how I set the computers up wrong last time so I shouldn’t be allowed to do it this time. How did I set it up “wrong” you may ask? Apparently it was by not installing Microsoft Office Suite because she is responsible for ordering it and hadn’t. Overall, it is a nightmare so it isn’t something I even want to pretend to fight for.

Finally, we are about to get a bunch of new hires in, which means a bunch of new computers. She spends one week heckling me for this document and another berating me on how it isn’t accurate and up-to-date. I tell her in an email with our boss cc’d to my knowledge it is, but please let me know if you have any issues setting it up. I hear nothing for a week and a half after that.

The new computers finally come and low-and-behold they are not set up correctly. There is outdated software that they could’ve only gotten from going to a now-defunct website rather than the up-to-date exe file I provided. They also did not properly set up our data base on one computer and didn’t set it up at all on a second.

The second, I admit, is a bit tricky as it needs to be set up on each individual account. I am rather gentle about this one and point out that they cannot do it from the admin account for future reference.

I spend two hours cleaning it up and I am rightfully mad after being bullied by this jerk for a whole year. I point her and the IT person to the program they need and tell them how to set up the data-base by copy-and-pasting the instructions verbatim from that document.

They then have the absolute nerve to repeat back that the database setup wasn’t their fault because they didn’t know about it -despite it being said document – and then lie to me about how they set up the software.

Using the words “as I have said” and “that is funny because I ran the software from the right location and it worked” have never been more satisfying in my life. And as an added bonus – she did not set up Microsoft Office so it was all in vein.

Unfiltered Story #298994

| Unfiltered | August 15, 2023

Prior to the pandemic, I elected to go regularly to a massage parlor after developing back pain from a desk job. (NOT the “that” kind of massage parlor with the x-rated “ending”). I settled on one operated by a team of remarkable attractive women who were all from Thailand, and strangely enough were all using Disney character names as work nicknames.

The first year was went uneventful, however, later on the line up of women gradually began to rotate. I had two sessions with one newer woman whose work name was “Jasmine”–she had a very unpleasant smell about her (I’m not sure whether it was her clothes or the food she was eating) and tendency to be rough with her touch. This was in addition to her asking me odd personal questions about myself throughout the session that would jar me out of my “zone” and along with making flirtatious comments that did not rest well with me.

Following this came along “Bambi”, whose touch was pure hypnotic magic. One session with her, and I found myself asking only for her and voluntarily paying over double the amount I was normally paying (2 hour sessions instead of one, plus a generous tip). This is where the trouble began.

Anytime I would come in, Jasmine would always be there to tell me that Bambi was either not there or with another client. (Note: There is a surveillance camera outside their door that they buzz open from the inside). She would then take my hand and try to lead me into a massage room despite me saying I preferred Bambi.

I thought I would solve that annoying problem by reserving an appointment with Bambi ahead of time. This worked a few times until one day the girl at the reception desk looked at her computer screen with a puzzled expression on her face and stated that she could not find any booked appointment for Bambi–and right on cue pops up Jasmine: Donning extra tight leggings, her blouse unbuttoned to where I could see more than a client ought to, taking my hand saying “That’s okay, I have time!” and tugging me towards a room.

This time I firmly said I was here to see Bambi, and that if she was not available, then I would come some other time or wait until she was ready. The girl at the desk told me to wait in the massage room while she retrieved Bambi, and to go ahead and get prepared. Bambi did appear as promised and about 10 minutes into the session, Jasmine knocks on the door and hands Bambi a phone, saying something in Thai.

I was figuring it was something quick that was going to be straightened out in 5 minutes, so I kept my head down on the table and calmly waited. Sure enough, enough about 45 seconds later, I feel someone rubbing my calf, and I began to go back into my “zone” again. About a minute later, I hear the sound of someone frantically twisting what sounded like a locked doorknob, followed by a series of loud banging on the door. I look up to behold none other than Jasmine with her funky paws on me! With a “hand-in-the-cookie-jar” look on her face, she darted over to the door and unlocked it. Thereafter she and Bambi immediately engaged in a Thai screaming match–joined by 2 other voices who were trying to diffuse the situation.

After the squabble had been dissolved, Bambi re-entered the room, slammed the door shut thunderously, and yelled, “Can you believe that bitch called my boyfriend and said that I had something really important that I needed to talk to him about?!? And she knows we are having problems!”

I decided after that incident to wait about 3 months and hope that Jasmine would have either moved on by then or otherwise gotten the message that she was driving away paying customers. When I appeared again, unsurprisingly, it was Jasmine who opened the door. This time, I firmly said “Bambi–no one else!” She flashed a smile and said, “Yes, massage with Bambi. Come in” and waved me in.

I went into the room and instead of preparing myself, I stood and waited. Jasmine entered the room, and I wasn’t having it this time:

Me: (firmly) No! Bambi!
Jasmine: Yes, yes Bambi.

(Both of us stand staring at each other)

Me: *slightly confused* Bambi! I’m here for Bambi!
Jasmine: Yes, Bambi! Me!
Me: Not you! Bambi! The girl (physical description)!
Jasmine: Yes! Bambi! Me! You come every month, I give you good massage every time, you tell me I’m the best! Bambi! *pointing to herself* You forget me after such long time? Please… *pointing to the massage table*

I never went back.

Unfiltered Story #298993

, | Unfiltered | August 15, 2023

There is a regular customer that comes in with her son. The son does not behave, and the mother does not make him. One day, the kid takes a toy off of the shelf and starts stomping on it. The employee in the toy department gets after him.
Mom: Don’t tell my child what to do!
Employee: Someone has to, and you’re not.
The mom starts yelling at the employee in Spanish.
Employee: Ma’am, I understand Spanish, and frankly, I don’t care. You need to control your child.

Unfiltered Story #299016

, | Unfiltered | August 15, 2023

(I’m the author of this: https://notalwaysright.com/crossing-the-line-from-hangry-to-unacceptable/231876/ and https://notalwaysright.com/thank-goodness-hes-a-then-boyfriend-and-not-a-now-boyfriend/233098/
I need to note that in the comments of the latter one, I state I’m living at his house. Technically, we’re living at his parents how who he still lives with. So he doesn’t shout at/do anything to me whilst they’re home.
I used to be part of a cosplay dance group with one of my besties I’ve know for years. We disbanded. Whilst I was living with then-boyfriend, that Bestie has flagged up that there’s another cosplay dance group that’s starting up. I get excited, tell my then-boyfriend, and sign up. I get my favourite character which I’m thrilled about. We have a meeting to decide songs and dances to cover and it’s just through Facebook messenger. My then-boyfriend is playing a single player video game whilst I’m doing this and it’s only about a 30 minute meeting tops. As soon as I’m done, he pauses the game and lays into me about how the group is coming between us, I’m not giving him enough attention etc. It’s worth noting at this point that he’s been gaslighting me, self-harming if I don’t do as he says ‘look what you made me do’ stuff, threatening suicide, threatening kicking me out, amongst other stuff. So, he’s most likely expecting that I will back down, but I don’t. I get upset, point out the stuff he does, point out how he wasn’t planning on doing anything tonight anyway, point out that he can come to the meets and such as other people’s partners will do so too, point out that this was ONE thing that I was passionate about and been doing for years and he, eventually, backs down. Or so I thought. The next evening, he decides to go to bed early – I was finalising something, a job or something important, so I didn’t go with him. And then I get a Facebook message from my Bestie;)

Bestie: “Hey, [Then-Boyfriend] messaged me saying you were feeling really under pressure with the group and didn’t want to do it. But you also didn’t want to let me down by quitting. Are you okay? You don’t have to stay for me if you don’t want to and I’m sorry if I made you feel you had to be part of that group”

Me: “Gonna let you know now that I’m p*ssed off. I told him that I was really passionate about this group LAST NIGHT and he’s now trying to go behind my back?!”

Bestie: “??? How would this work?”

Me: “Ask him what he thinks you should do. I bet it’ll be quit so I quit”

(there’s a gap in conversation then a screen shot of the message from him showing that, lo and behold, he think she should quit so I quit)

Bestie: “I am so sorry!”

Me: “Don’t be. I’m gonna talk to him”

(I go through to confront him about it – all the conversation is in a harsh whisper as his parents are in the room next door. Using a mix of gaslighting, self-victimisations and threats of self harm, I start to second guess myself and my anger. Until;)

Him: “And [Bestie] is a right backstabbing b*tch for talking about me behind my back, you should stop talking to her.”

(There’s silence whilst I protest what he says)

Me: “How DARE you call her that. She wasn’t talking behind your back, she was checking up on me due to the LIE you told her. YOU were talking behind MY back. If anything, YOU’RE the backstabbing b*tch. How DARE you!”

Him: “I’m you boyfriend! I’m more important! She’s a f*cking b*tch!”

Me: “No you’re not. I’ve known her half my life and she’s never even come close to hurting me as much as you have. Not even ONCE in our friendship together. You? All the time!”

Him: “You’re blowing it out of pro-”

Me: “No I’m not! I’m absolutely not!”

(I turn round to leave the room)

Him: “Wait! Where are you-”

Me: “I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you. F*ck that noise.”

Him: “But the parentals will-”

Me: “I don’t care what your parents will think! I honestly don’t give a flying f*ck right now! I am NOT sleeping in the same room as you”

(I spend most the night talking to my Bestie, and revealing the stuff that’s been going on and asking her opinion – just in case I am going mad. She reassures me that I’m not, that he is being an abuser etc. I end up falling asleep and when I wake up he’s gone to work and there’s a message from his mum asking if we can talk when I’m up – she’s taken a day off work for it. I’m dreading this, as he would say that ‘my mum was ACTUALLY abused and this isn’t abuse’ to me as part of gaslighting, but do agree. However, she was amazing. She was horrified to find out that flowers he was getting and giving to me in front of her was because he’d threatened me before and purely to ensure I accepted them and thus accepted his apology. She didn’t once say it wasn’t ‘real’ abuse and she insisted I called my mum too – though she spoke to her when I couldn’t and apologised to both of us for what he did. It took me a bit longer to actually leave – he insisted he had to try therapy first with me and we had to go to EGX together but he’d also make sure my Bestie and her partner was there too, amongst other stuff. His mum recommended I spend his money, since he was still guilt tripping me on things but also trying to make me sweet at the same time, might as well milk it and get free stuff as EGX was expensive. I do regret not just going “no, I’m off” rather than giving in to him but I’m not gonna regret the free t-shirts and hoodies I got on advice of his mum.)