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They’re Not Much Nicer By Seventeen, Either

, , , , | Right | February 13, 2019

(I work for a small but successful company that specialises in organizing sweet seventeens — the equivalent of sweet sixteens in the US. The owners of the company are a young married couple, and they routinely perform in the parties as magician and host. On this day I am accompanying them in a meeting with a client, who is a girl about to have her “extra special” sweet seventeen party. No, the parents are not there. They gave her a blank check to organise her own party.)

Girl: *sitting there with her arms crossed* “So, what games will we have at my party?”

Female Owner: “Well, we can have a dancing competition where—“

Girl: *cuts off my boss mid-sentence, rolling her eyes, sighing, and waving a hand* “Next!”

Male Owner: “A cake eating competition is really popular these days, and—“

Girl: *rolls her eyes and waves a hand again* “Ew! My guests? Their clothes are expensive. I’m sure you’re not paying for dry-cleaning if cake gets on them.”

(My eyes go wide at the girl’s rudeness, but my bosses have had a previous meeting with her and are familiar with her attitude. They keep quiet and continue in this manner for a while, until they start discussing having a magic show at the party.)

Girl: *looks my male boss up and down* “You’re the magician? Don’t you have someone else?”

Male Owner: “I’m the only magician we have. Don’t worry; I’ve been performing in parties since I was younger than you are.”

Girl: “You’re going to wear a suit, right? Can you fit in a suit? You’re kind of fat.”

Male Owner: *fake laugh* “I can fit in a suit. I wore one to our wedding.” *gestures to his wife*

Girl: *looks at both of them, snorts* “You married him? Why?!”

(After that, my bosses sent me out of the room because they could see my face was red from anger. I didn’t come back until the meeting was over, but I was told that the girl continued making snide comments about how my female boss made a huge mistake marrying her husband.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!