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The Spice Must Flow

, , , , , , | Right | May 22, 2024



Customer: “I need you to make your spiciest curry even spicier!”

Me: “I don’t know. It’s already kind of spicy.”

Customer: “You can make it spicier, though, right? Do that!”

Our kitchen obliged. They added some scotch bonnets, crushed and toasted the seeds, fried everything off, and mixed it with the curry. The customer ate it and gave me the thumbs-up from across the room, so I figured everything was okay and this guy just loved his spice.

When I went to check again, all of a sudden, we were asked to call an ambulance. This guy had gone to the toilet (urgently) midway through his meal, and he’d had a heart attack! Naturally, he fell off the toilet mid-flow, and the mess was absolutely EVERYWHERE.

He was carried out on a stretcher through the restaurant, so the smell of poop just stuck in there for a few hours, and our poor manager ended up having to clean all the crap. The guy was fine in the end, but he definitely didn’t order a spicy curry from us again!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!