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The Level Of Customer Service Is Equivalent To The Level Of Sales

, , , , , , | Right | May 21, 2024

Tired of customers who were serial returners and using our stores as glorified “rental” places, I decided to do something about it on my own. Back in the early 1990s, when computer use wasn’t as prevalent as it is today, I brought an old PC from home into work and created a database.

Every return we encountered would be entered into the database. As long as the computer wasn’t networked (almost unheard of in those days) and didn’t leave the store, we were good to record the data.

In a short period of time, we had the names of individuals who basically purchased nothing. I asked permission from my district manager to essentially prevent these individuals from purchasing products. They readily agreed.

As this was back in the glory days of VHS, the database flagged this one customer who, over the course of two weeks, purchased eight videos from us. After each purchase, he would inevitably return them the next day. He would choose another film, purchase it, and return it the next day. I can only speculate as to whether he was making copies or not, but I believe he was.

The day came when he came in to return a film he had just purchased the day before. Fortuitously, I happened to be there that day.

Me: “We will no longer be taking returns from you.”

Customer: “But I am good customer! I buy a lot of films from you guys!”

Me: “If you return everything that you purchase, in essence, you have purchased nothing.”

Customer: “Fine! I will never buy anything from here again!”

I called out to him as he stormed out.

Me: “You never have!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!