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Cause For Pregnant Pause, Part 2

| Right | May 6, 2013

(I’m an employee in a hardware store. I’m helping a young married couple. The wife is wearing a flattering, but form-fitting top. An old couple standing nearby is complaining loudly.)

Old Lady: “Young people today are so lazy! That’s why they’ve all gotten fat; they’re sitting around playing video games! And it makes it worse when they wear clothes that don’t fit! People who are old enough to know better shouldn’t wear clothes that are too tight; they make them look fatter! That girl right there; look at her! You can see her stomach pooch!”

(The young wife places her hand over her belly.)

Young Wife: “I’m… PREGNANT.”

Old Lady: “I… I, um… Well, I wasn’t talking… Let’s go, honey!”

(She grabs her husband, and they quickly leave.)

Young Husband: “Just to confirm; we’re not pregnant, right?”

Young Wife: “Nope, but that’s what the old b**** gets for talking s*** about strangers in public.”


Equality Can Be A Bit Screwed Up

| Working | April 4, 2013

(My boyfriend and I are looking for a drill. I’ve pre-shopped online and know that the exact model I want is in stock at this location. As we’re looking for the drill, an employee approaches us.)

Employee: *to my boyfriend* “Hi, are you looking for anything in particular today?”

Me: “Were looking for a drill I found online. It’s—”

Employee: *to my boyfriend* “Alright, if you come this way with me, we have some very nice [brand] drills that are new.”

Me: “Actually I found [another brand] that I like, and it’s on sale for—”

Employee: *to my boyfriend* “Oh, okay, [another brand] are over here…”

(The employee proceeds to show my boyfriend a VERY fancy and expensive drill.)

Me: “That’s a really nice drill, but we don’t need something like that. We just need a small one for around our house. I found the one I want online; it’s on sale for $29 right now. It has a Lithium battery and—”

Employee: *to my boyfriend* “Oh, we don’t have any Lithium drills that come that cheap.” *to me* “Sweetie, are you sure you didn’t find a electric screw driver when you were on our web—”

Me: “I found it! It’s that one.” *points to the drill*

Employee: “Oh, yeah… that one.”

Me:  “It comes with a bit, right?”

Employee: “Uh…”

Me: “Oh, never mind, it’s on the box. This is the one I want. Thanks for your help.”

Employee:  “Okay. Now, don’t forget to get an extra battery and the charger station for—”

Me: “Actually, on this one the battery is built in, and it charges on a cable. Thanks for your help.”

Employee: *walks off*

Being Patient Can Be Paint-ful

| Working | March 29, 2013

(I’m with my dad at a local hardware store buying paint. We have bought paint at a sister store under the same company so we have their paint formula card with us. An elderly male employee comes up to us as we wait.)

Employee: “Can I help you guys today?”

My Dad: “Yes, we need a gallon of this paint right here. We have the formula.”

(After looking at the paint card, the employee grabs a gallon of white paint and gets ready to add the mix. He looks at the card for another two minutes before handing it back to my dad.)

Employee: “I hope you guys aren’t in a hurry because this may take awhile.”

(Note: it’s never taken more than a minute to mix paint at either store.)

My Dad: “Why? What’s the problem?”

Employee: “Well, you asked for a gallon of this color, but you gave me the formula for a quart of paint. I’m gonna need some time to convert the formula to gallon.”

(My dad and I turn and look at each other, completely dumbfounded at what the employee said. Choosing not to humiliate the guy we give in.)

My Dad: “Okay, I’ll come pick it up tomorrow morning.”

Employee: “Perfect, because [employee that’s a family friend of ours] is working then, so maybe she can figure this out!”

The Tooth Hurts

| Right | March 14, 2013

(On my way out of the store, I spot an employee who is supposed to be greeting new customers. He is slumped over his ‘Welcome’ stand, half asleep.)

Me: “C’mon buddy, it’s not that bad. The day is almost over.”

Employee: “Yeah, but I really need a coffee. I’m so tired, man.”

(I go to the in-store cafe and buy the guy a coffee. An hour later, I return to the shop, having forgotten some items. I spot the same employee with a bandage around his jaw.)

Me: “What happened, buddy?”

Employee: *not recognizing me* “Some guy bought me coffee. I have really sensitive teeth, so now I got major toothache.”

(Guess I didn’t make his day any better!)

Saw Through His Sexism

, , , , , | Right | March 5, 2013

(I am a female woodworking student, shopping for a specific kind of saw in a hardware store. There’s only one on the shelf, so I grab it and start to move towards the register.)

Customer: “You can’t have this saw.”

Me: “And why not?”

Customer: “Because I need it!”

Me: “Well, I’m sorry about that, but I picked it up first when you weren’t even near it. They’ll probably order some soon.”

Customer: “Give it to me. I really need it.”

Me: “As much as I do. I’m sorry, sir, but it’s mine.”

Customer: “I clearly need it more than you; you’re a woman! You can’t have any use for a saw!”

Me: “I’m doing woodworking and I need this saw for an order a client placed with me. I am not going to give it to you and delay my client’s order.”

Customer: *sheepishly* “Oh, I’m sorry, I couldn’t know… If I knew you were a woodworker, I wouldn’t have said that.”

Me: “You shouldn’t make sexist comments like that, regardless of what field I work. Every woman is allowed to buy a saw… not only woodworkers.”