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Snuffing Out An Eternal Flame

, , , , , , | Right | May 27, 2024

Customer: “I want to return this candle.”

Me: “I can’t return that.”

Customer: “Why not?”

Me: “That candle is burnt all the way. There’s nothing left to it!”

Yes, you CAN return a mostly-burned candle, but there has to be something, even a little bit left to it in order to do that. Her “candle” is literally just the wick at the bottom.

Customer: “B****, I return it like this every month. You’ll do what I said you’ll do.”

As I am seventeen and this is my first week working retail, I am a bit sensitive. I burst into tears, right there at the cash register. Instead of apologizing or feeling embarrassed since now everyone is watching us, she says:

Customer: “Wow, now you’re the victim. I love this acting for you.”

Thankfully, a manager has been nearby and is now bearing down on the customer.

Manager: “So, not only did you make an associate cry, but you’re openly admitting to returning this candle multiple times to get a free one?”

Customer: *Unfazed* “You always do it for me.”

Manager: “Not anymore. I think it best if you leave and never come back.”

Customer: *Less unfazed* “Bulls***! You always do this s*** for me!”

Manager: “Not anymore. You’re out that door in the next ten seconds or you’ll be arrested for trespassing.”

Customer: *Furious but walking out* “It’s just a f****** candle!”

Manager: “Exactly!”

Thankfully, I was fine after a few minutes, thanks to my awesome, no-nonsense manager!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!