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Relationships, romance, and break-ups!

Love Me Tender, Love Me Spew

| Romantic | March 29, 2012

(My boyfriend is really drunk as it is St. Patrick’s Day, and drunk dials me.)

Boyfriend: “I really want to tell you I ‘L’ you for the first time.”

Me: “I know, but we agreed to wait until you see me in person. Wait until May.”

Boyfriend: “No! I love you! Ha! I said it!”

Me: “Aw. I love you, too.”

Boyfriend: “I’m going to call you back. I need to puke.”

This story of part of the St. Patrick’s Day roundup!

Read the next St. Patrick’s Day roundup story!

Read the St. Patrick’s Day roundup!

Till Virtual Death Do Us Part

| Romantic | March 29, 2012

(I am playing a computer game while my husband watches. I am not very good.)

Husband: “Use your shield! Drink a health potion! You have to actually hit him with your sword to do damage, woman!”

(I defeat the monster, mostly due to his caustic advice.)

Me: “What would I do without you?”

Husband: “Probably be mocked less.”

Worming His Way Into Your Heart

| Romantic | March 29, 2012

(My husband and I are making spaghetti at home and I need to get to the spices. He’s in the way.)

Me: “Scoot your butt.”

(He moves out of the way. I’m getting the spices when I hear something dragging along the floor. I look behind me. He’s sitting on the floor dragging his butt on the floor like a dog with worms.)

Husband: “This is harder than it looks.”

Concentration Required While Driving

| Romantic | March 29, 2012

(My husband is a long haul truck driver, and we make sure to talk on the phone every day, even if we don’t have much to say.)

Me: *jokingly* “You are kind of boring.”

Husband: “What can I talk about to make this conversation more exciting for you?”

Me: “Tell me how much you love me.”

Husband: “Two cups.”

Me: “Two cups? I love you at least a gallon’s worth!”

Husband: “It’s concentrated.”

This Is How You Remind Me I Am An Idiot

| Romantic | March 28, 2012

( I get very anxious when meeting new people and I try to cover it up with humour . I have finished making an idiot of myself in front of my girlfriend’s highly conservative grandparents by saying ‘I’m a gay sea otter; I blow other dudes out of the water’ when asked what I do for a living. I also really dislike ‘Nickelback’.)

Me: “Okay. To make it up to you, we can do whatever you want on your birthday, and you have full reign of me for the day.”

Girlfriend: “I want to go to a Nickelback concert.”

Me: “Are you sure? I mean, we could—”

Girlfriend: “You told my grandparents you blew other dudes for a living.”

Me:Nickelback it is.”