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Pizza Time? Sick!

, , , , , , | Right | October 12, 2022

I’m a manager of a restaurant that delivers steak, chicken, and burger meals.

A customer calls in with a complaint that the food they got made them and their partner sick, and they want a refund. After some back and forth, I tell them to give the food back to the driver and their money will be refunded.

They call after a while since the driver hasn’t arrived with the refund yet.

Customer: “Where’s our money? We’ve been waiting a long time.”

Me: “The driver is on the way. He’ll be there shortly.”

Customer: “He’d better. We got pizza coming and need the money to pay for it.”

This was before cell phones were common, so I couldn’t call the driver and tell him to cancel the refund and come back to the store.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!