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It’s All About ADH-Me!

, , , , , , , | Right | December 12, 2023

I’m working in a coffee shop. A customer is waiting in line to order, and she’s making comments about how much of a rush she’s in.

Customer: “Come on! Hurry up! I’m late for work!”

When it’s her turn to be served, she orders an obnoxiously complicated drink — nothing wrong with that, but odd considering she’s already “late for work” — and then proceeds to stand in the corner with her drink, doom-scrolling on her phone for a solid fifteen minutes before she rushes out.

The next day, she’s back, and we go through the same routine.

Customer: “I’m running late! Hurry up! I’m going to get in trouble with my boss because of you!”

Luckily, today, she’s being served by my manager, who has more leeway to speak their mind with the customers than the rest of us can.

Manager: “Ma’am, we are usually busy this time in the morning, so if you’re running late for work at this time, I would recommend coming in earlier to give yourself enough time to get to work.”

Customer: “You’re discriminating against me?!”

Manager: “How?”

Customer: “You’re not accommodating my ADHD!”

Manager: “Uh… no. I had no idea you had ADHD, but I am simply stating that it’s not productive to tell my staff to hurry up when they’re already going as fast as possible.”

Customer: “You should let me order faster because I have ADHD and I struggle with being on time. It’s not fair that you serve these other people first.”

Manager: “How do you know these other customers also don’t have ADHD?”

She doesn’t answer that one because — obviously — my manager has easily stumped her stupid logic.

She continues to come in over the next few weeks, and every time she’s in, she moans at us to hurry, ends up being distracted by her phone, and then rushes off after ten to fifteen minutes.

One day, she comes in around midday, which is unusual for her.

Customer: “You got me fired!”

Manager: “Excuse me?”

Customer: “My boss told me I was late too many times and fired me! I told them it’s all your fault because you always take too long to get my coffee!”

Manager: “Ma’am, I am sorry you lost your job, but it’s not our fault, and also your timekeeping is not our responsibility.”

Customer: “You’re all just as bad as my boss! You’re discriminating against people with ADHD who struggle with time!”

Manager: “Ma’am, if you struggle with time but you have to have coffee from our location every morning, then come earlier.”

Customer: “It’s sad that we live in a society that doesn’t accommodate people with a real condition like me. We should be looking for solutions!”

Manager: “They’re called alarm clocks. Next customer!”

She was ignored by the manager for the rest of her protests until she finally left. She hasn’t been back since. I also have ADHD, so I can understand the struggle to be on time. I also use multiple alarm clocks to ensure my issues don’t become anyone else’s issues so… no sympathy there.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!