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Is She… Gaslighting HERSELF?

, , , , , , | Right | CREDIT: WriteAnotherWoods | May 12, 2023

I’m the assistant general manager at a recently-opened hotel in my city. I wear the fancy suit, I have the fancy nametag — it’s magnetic! — and I definitely don’t look like a guest staying there. I’m also the only member of the team who wears a suit over a generic uniform.

A woman in her mid-to-late sixties comes in and starts snooping around, so I approach to ask if I can help her.

Lady: “I just want to see the pool.”

Me: “Our pool is closed and still under construction.”

The door to the pool itself is blocked off with a “coming soon” sign.

Lady: “I saw that online, but I just wanted to see. You know how sometimes things say one thing online and another in person? Hotels really don’t keep up on that stuff.”

Me: “I’m aware that is sometimes the case, but I assure you, madam, the pool is closed and still under construction. We’re excited and hopeful to see it open in early January.”

Lady: “Is there someone I can talk to? I really want to take my granddaughter here over Christmas to use the pool.”

Me: “I’m the assistant general manager here, actually. And unfortunately, as I said, the pool isn’t expected to open until the new year. There literally, physically is no pool right now.”

The lady goes up to the front desk agent and asks about the pool and booking to use it over Christmas.

Front Desk Agent: *Slightly confused* “As my manager—” *gestures to me* “—explained, the pool won’t be open at Christmas.”

The lady looks at me and then back at [Front Desk Agent].

Lady: “Is there a manager I can speak to?”

Again, my nametag literally says “Manager” in fun, bold letters.

Me: “Madam, I am the assistant general manager, and in fact, the current acting general manager.”

The actual general manager is away aiding with another property opening.

The lady looks at [Front Desk Agent] again.

Lady: “I just don’t understand. Why can’t I speak to the manager?”

[Front Desk Agent] and I exchange a confused look.

Me: “Madam, I assure you, I am the only manager on the property.”

Lady: “I can’t believe this. I want to speak to a manager.”

Me: “I am the manager.”

Lady: *Angrily* “I said I want to speak to the manager.”

Me: *More forcefully* “Madam, I am the manager. I’m the one you want to speak to.”

The lady turns to [Front Desk Agent] again.

Lady: “Call the manager, right now. This service is so unacceptable. I just want to bring my granddaughter to use the pool over Christmas!”

Me: “Madam, again, I am the manager, and as I’ve repeatedly told you, we do not have a pool that will available over Christmas. There is no pool.”

Lady: *Angrier* “Why didn’t you just say that? It says you have a pool online. This is not acceptable! I’m going to speak to the manager and get you all fired!”

I am so done with this.

Me: “Sure. Please do. I’ll be more than happy to fire myself and then collect severance for unlawful termination. It will make for a great Christmas bonus. I’ll take my wife and kid to Fiji!”

Lady: *Red in the face* “Your manager will hear from me! How dare you ruin my granddaughter’s Christmas?! I’ll make sure to tell everyone you won’t let anyone use your pool!”

The lady then stormed out.

I recognize that the lady may be in the early stages of something serious mentally, but in the entire interaction, she was very clear-headed. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone so forcefully deny my existence like this before.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!