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If You Scream Like A Child, You Might Also Forget One

, , , , , , | Right | June 18, 2023

When I am working checkout at my fast food restaurant, I will return customers’ credit cards to them by setting them on a square podium that’s used to swipe them so they end up right by them when I swing the screen around from them to sign and such.

One lady decides this is an offense of the highest order and yells at me for not placing her card directly in her hand.

Me: *Stupidly engaging* “Ma’am, I do this for everybody.”

Customer: “I am the customer, and good service is doing what I want!”

There were about a dozen people eating at our tables and five people in the line behind her, so she was straight hamming it up, making sure everyone saw her putting me in my place.

Unfortunately for her, the dramatic performance proved to be a bit too distracting, and she stormed out without her infant. This was, of course, noticed by pretty much everyone in the building since she had just made herself the center of attention. One of the customers even had to run after her and stop her from driving away.

On an unrelated note: there is no real subtle way to pick up a full-sized child carrier and storm out with any dignity.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!