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Aluminum Foiled His Plans

, , , , | Right | January 9, 2020

(A customer comes up to the grocery store deli counter and asks for some chicken tenders. After I package them in a bag and place a barcode on it, I give it to him. A few minutes after, as I am cleaning out parts of the deli, I notice that the same customer is still around with his smartphone out around the salad bar. I stop what I am doing and go to him.)

Me: “Hello. Is there anything else you want?”

Customer: “No. I’m just taking a picture here.”

Me: “Okay.”

(I head back and continued to clean up the place. Not too long after, the customer leaves. Around thirty minutes later, a couple of customer service workers are standing where the customer was earlier. I look at them and I realize that they are looking for something, so I stop wiping down the table and go over to them.)

Me: “Hello. Is there anything wrong?”

Customer Service #1: “Yeah. We received a complaint about there being a piece of metal on a turkey breast.”

Customer Service #2: “He was going, ‘I took a picture of it and everything.’”

Me: *recalling said customer who was taking a picture* “Mind if I help you out?”

Customer Service #2: “Sure!”

(I go around the case and stand near the two workers. Soon enough, I do see a very small metallic shine, though I have a good idea of what it really is. I open up the salad bar case and remove it.)

Me: “It’s aluminum foil.”

Customer Service #1: *clearly annoyed* “Are you freaking kidding me?!”

(The two workers walked away as I wondered why the customer didn’t tell me about his concerns.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!