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Unfiltered Story #214196

, , , | Unfiltered | November 4, 2020

(I am outside work in the smoking area at a busy supermarket on my break, in full uniform. A guy of about 17 leans out of a car window as I start to stand up to go back in)

Customer: Hey dude do you get served in here? (Our store operates a challenge 25 policy meaning we ID anyone who looks under 25, I am 18)

Me: yeah I work here

Customer: yo can you go in for me and get me a pack of (brand) cigarettes?

Me: no mate that’s illegal.

Customer: Aww come on no one would know.

Me: Sir that would constitute a proxy sale which is illegal and mean me losing my job and facing an unlimited fine and five years in prison. (Yes the penalties are really that harsh).

Customer: Come on dude I though you’d be cool.

(I walked inside and pointed the guy out to our checkout manager. Who’s stupid enough to ask an employee to break challenge 25 law)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!