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Your Condescension Holds No Quarter With Me

, , , , , , | Right | July 24, 2023

I work in a coffee place at a rest stop on the freeway. Most of our customers are on some long-distance drive.

Customer: “What state am I in?”

Me: “Arizona.”

The customer opens up a briefcase, and I am shocked to see rolls of quarters, all with the names of different states on them. She gives me some bills and two quarters with the Arizona state design on the reverse, from when the US made state quarters.

Me: “That’s… quite the collection you have there!”

Customer: “I need it when I’m traveling! It’s so annoying that the government made those state quarters. It was so much easier when I could just use any quarter anywhere.”

Me: “Ma’am… you can use any quarter anywhere. The state quarters were just decorative.”

Customer: “Oh, hun. When you finally get out of this little town, you’ll see that it’s a big and complicated world out there, with lots of complicated rules. You’ll get it one day.”

Fine, carry on going around with that heavy briefcase of quarters, you condescending moron.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!