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You Need A Beefier Reason For A Refund

, , , | Right | October 11, 2023

A customer comes to the counter and seems pretty worked up.

Customer: “I want to speak with a manager!”

My manager walks up to the counter and the customer starts complaining about some ground beef he bought.

Customer: “They were the worst hamburgers I’ve ever tasted! That s*** was completely inedible!”

Before my manager can offer a refund (what we normally do for anyone with a return or complaint) the guys slaps his half eaten package of “ground beef” on the counter.

Customer: “Fix this!”

We all (my manager, a coworker, and myself) look at the package, slowly back up to the customer and then back down to the package. This is when I make my exit to the cooler because I can’t stop laughing.

His “ground beef” was one of those tubes of frozen dog food. My manager said once the customer realized what he had bought, he just turned around and walked out without saying another word.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!