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Bad boss and coworker stories

Don’t Be Open About Your Feelings

| Working | June 21, 2016

(Coworker #2 has been out sick for a few days. He finally comes back into the office, but is still coughing.)

Coworker #1: “Hey, you’re back! Are you feeling better?”

Coworker #2: “Honestly? No.”

Coworker #1: “Oh.” *pauses, not sure how to respond* “Well, life is hard.”

The Key To A False Arrest

| Working | June 21, 2016

(My keys fall out of my pocket at the movie theater today. I realize this when I get to my car. I walk back to the theater and enter intending to go to my seat and retrieve the keys when the manager confronts me.)

Manager: “Sir! Sir, did you buy a ticket?”

Me: “No, I dropped my keys in the theater. I was going to go retrieve them.”

Manager: “Well, I can’t let you in there.”

Me: “I dropped my keys in there; I’d like to retrieve them.”

Manager: “I don’t know that; you could just be trying to sneak in to a movie.”

Me: “Then you can come in with me and see that I get my keys.”

Manager: “No, sir, you are not going inside the theater.”

Me: “Yes, I am. Excuse me.”

Manager: “I’m calling the police.”

Me: “That’s fine; I’ll only be a moment.”

(I go in, go to my seat, find the keys tucked into the cushion and came back out. Sure enough, the manager is on the phone with the police. I walk over and take the receiver from her.)

Me: “Hello? Yes, I’m the gentleman she’s calling about. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve gotten my car keys out of the movie theater and am leaving the premises. Thank you for your assistance.”

The Dirty Dozen

, | Working | June 20, 2016

(I don’t usually like take away but this particular day I felt an unusual craving for chicken nuggets.)

Me: “Hi, I’m just wondering what quantities the nuggets come in?”

Cashier: “Umm, 3,6,9,12, or 18?”

Me: “Oh, can I please have half a dozen nuggets please?”

Cashier: “Oh, we don’t do half a dozen only 3,6,12, and 18 packs.”

Me: “Okay, I’ll have six, please.”

Cashier: “Sure, that’ll be [price]. Sorry, we’re not allowed to change the pack sizes.”

Me: “Um, that’s okay…”

(I walked away with my “six nuggets” with three free ones.)

We’re Sure Apple Is Working On An Update For That

, , | Working | June 20, 2016

(I work for a major cell phone retailer as their national sales support; basically, I am a care agent for the store reps. For this particular call from a store, I was assisting the rep in fixing a customer’s bill because it was sitting at about $2,000 which is much higher than it should have been.)

Me: “All right, so I can see that the bill is looking much better now. I’ve got those activation fees waived, the access charges adjusted, and the accelerated charges are being adjusted right now. Okay?”

Store Rep: “Thank you so much. You are the best. I would hug you if you were a real person! I mean, wait… You are a real person, but you know…”

Me: *whilst laughing uncontrollably* “I know exactly what you mean. No worries. You just meant if I was there in person, since you can’t hug me through the phone.”

Store Rep: *laughing* “Exactly, you know what I mean. It would look pretty weird if I hugged the phone in the store.”

Me: “Well, everything is taken care of here now. The customer’s bill is now [amount much lower] and we have all incorrect charges adjusted. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

Store Rep: “No, that is everything. You are the greatest. Thank you so much!”

Me: “Thank you for calling and have a great rest of your shift!”

(That call had me smiling for the rest of the day. To that store rep, you really helped me smile bright after the terrible week I had been having!)

Email Fail, Part 8

| Working | June 20, 2016

(I am an administrative assistant and receptionist at a small office. I have sent an email to the owner of the company for him to approve. After about a half an hour, he walks through the lobby from his office.)

Owner: “Hey, did you just send me an email?”

Me: “Yes.”

Owner: “Was I supposed to look at it?”

Me: “Uh… yes.”

(He wandered off and I cracked up. I did eventually get an answer.)