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Why Do People Ask Questions If They Don’t Want Answers?

, , , , | Legal | April 5, 2024

I live in a large midwestern (US) city. At the time of these events, I had been practicing law in this town for several years and therefore knew where all the courthouses were in the downtown area. 

This particular summer day was scorching hot — in the high nineties F (over 35 C) — and oppressively humid. You could actually see the heat radiating off the pavement.  

I had run an errand on my lunch hour and was making my way back to the office on foot. I came to an intersection and had to wait for the light to change to cross the street. A woman came up beside me, pushing a stroller containing a small child.  

Woman: “Excuse me. I’m looking for the courthouse. Can you help me?”

Me: “Oh, bankruptcy court? It’s right over—”

Woman: “No! Not bankruptcy! I’m here for family court!”

Me: “Well, the family court is very far from here. You’ll have to drive or take the bus.”

Woman: “Drive? But I just found a place to park my car! My directions say that family court is at [number] North [Main Street].”

Me: “Ma’am, I know that courthouse, and it’s at [number] South [Main Street].”

Woman: “Well, can I walk there from here?”

Me: “Theoretically, I suppose, but it’s many, many blocks from here, and—” *pointedly looking at the small child in the stroller* “—it’s really hot today. You need to get back in the car and drive down there. There’s a parking lot right across from the courthouse, so you’ll easily find a spot to park.”

Woman: *Indicating a granite edifice nearby* “Could that be the courthouse?”

Me: *Pointing at the huge sign in front of the building* “No, that’s the [Large Insurance Company] headquarters. Seriously, ma’am, you need to get back in your car and drive to [number] South [Main Street]. As I say, you should easily be able to find a parking place near the courthouse.”

Just then, the light changed and I started to cross the street. Instead of going back to her car, the woman crossed with me. 

Woman: “I’m just going to look around a little. That courthouse must be around here somewhere…”

I shrugged and made my way back to the office. I hope she made her court appearance.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!