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When They Want You To Play Fetch

, , , , | Right | May 24, 2024

I am running through my morning duties when I notice a customer trying to come in forty-five minutes before opening. I shake my head at her to indicate that we’re closed, but she keeps pulling on the door. I decide to ignore her and continue on with my opening procedures.

The front of the store is all glass, and she just stands there and stares at me for half an hour while I (try to) ignore her.

Then, she starts knocking on the glass. She just keeps knocking and knocking and knocking. I’m getting irritated because I’m trying to count money and she’s distracting me with all the noise. I finally have enough and yell through the door:

Me: “We’re closed!”

Customer: *Rolls her eyes* “You should’ve just told me!”

She goes to sit in her car, ignoring our opening hours printed on the door she’s been knocking on for half an hour. I finally open up, expecting her to get out of her car and come inside.

Twenty minutes pass before she comes in and immediately starts yelling at me.

Customer: “You should’ve come to my car to tell me you’re open since you knew I wanted to come inside!”

Me: “Since I’m alone, I can’t leave the store.”

Customer: “I was parked ten feet away!”

Me: “Since you’re parked ten feet away, you could’ve seen me unlocking the door and putting the signage out.”

Customer: “Smart-a** b****. I’m going to be calling corporate!”

She pulled out her phone and took a picture of my name tag, which she did not ask to do, before walking out.

I never heard anything back about the woman who expected to be fetched from her car.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!