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When It’s Slow They’re Even Slower To Understand

, , , , , | Right | July 15, 2021

I work in a grocery store at the customer service desk. We have a checkout at the service desk, but it is usually reserved for customers who need something from the service desk — i.e. lotto tickets and cigarettes — to keep lines short and available to those who need our other services.

I am standing across the way talking to a coworker about our shoplifter policy when I notice a customer at the service desk.

Regular Customer: “Can I buy these two newspapers here?”

Me: “I suppose so, but just so you know, we usually reserve this desk for those who need something from customer service.”

Regular Customer: “Well, I’m just buying my two papers like I do every day.”

Me: “I know that, and that’s why I’ll do it for you this time.”

Regular Customer: “There’s nobody here, anyway. You’re just standing around gossiping and doing nothing! I’m not going to stand in line for fifteen minutes while you talk!”

Me: “I just can’t have a long line at the desk, because those who actually need my services won’t be able to get them if I have lots of people checking out.”

Regular Customer: “Well, when it’s slow, you could be doing it.”

Me: “Sir, I can’t change policy based on how slow the store is.”

Regular Customer: “Whatever! I’ll talk to [Store Director] about it!” *Storms out*

I was angry but it was quite funny to see him threaten me when I knew the director would do nothing as he hadn’t and wouldn’t be back to work anytime soon! He had been out for two months for surgery at this point.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!