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Whatever He’s Looking For Is Probably Not On Their List Of Amenities

, , , , | Right | CREDIT: cashmoneybihh | July 17, 2023

I work in a hotel. I arrive at work around 11:00 pm for an audit shift, and as soon as I arrive, my coworkers start giving me the lowdown on the evening, specifically on this one creepy and harassing walk-in guest they had. [Guest] was being inappropriate and creepy to everyone there. He kept asking for things to be specifically “brought into his room” and offering to pay them and “make it worth their while” if you know what I mean. Everyone was like, “Absolutely not,” and he would keep offering them money and whatever.

After they headed out and I was left alone, I was watching the cameras in the back, and I kept seeing [Guest] peeking around on the stairs, trying to find people in the lobby, and then going back up. At one point, I went out to the desk to check someone in, and while I was out there, I saw our little friend poking around in the lobby.

A little while later, I had a food delivery driver come in. He showed me the screen, and it was an order for [Guest].

Driver: “The guy wants his food to be left with you at the desk, but I’ll just take it up to him.”

Me: “Yes, please!”

As soon as the driver got in the elevator, I got a phone call from [Guest].

Guest: “I ordered some food to be left with you so you can bring it up and come into my room.”

He said this in the grossest weird and seductive tone.

Me: “Hi, sir. The delivery driver is actually already on his way to your room with the food.”

His tone switched up real fast, and he just said, “Oh,” and then slammed the phone down.

I spent the rest of the night locked in the back office to avoid any more unwanted interactions with our buddy.

Apparently, he was super creepy while checking out in the morning and wanted to extend, but that was not about to happen! We don’t need any more serial creep incidents.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!