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What A Creditable Coincidence!

, , , , | Right | October 8, 2023

I work in a higher-end electronics store. I am a bit bored for one shift, so I apply for one of our store credit cards just to see what I’ll be approved for, not to mention that it’s good to get the assist on the credit rating.

I am approved for $5,000, which is cool, but then I totally forgot about it while I wait for the card to get mailed to me.

A couple of weeks later, one of my staff asks me to come to the computer section.

Some guy is there trying to buy two high-end laptop computers… WITH MY CREDIT CARD!

Me: *Playing it cool* “Sir, for a purchase of this value, we need to go through a few procedures. Do you mind waiting a moment?”

Customer/Thief: “Sure, whatever.”

I take my staff member aside and get him to call the police while I keep the customer busy.

Me: “Would you like to purchase our extended warranty?”

Customer/Thief: “No.”

Me: “Are you sure? They cover any accidental damage for five years and—”

Customer/Thief: “I said, no!”

Me: “Oh, it looks like the exact model you wanted isn’t in the back at the moment. Shall we order it for you for collection or—”

Customer/Thief: “Jesus, what’s wrong with you people?!”

And so on, until the police actually showed up and this thief realized I’d been stalling him.

I found out that he got into my mail somehow, found the card, and made a beeline for our location in the most remarkable coincidence! Even the arresting officers had never seen anything like it! 

The look on the thief’s face when he found out made the whole thing worth it.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!