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So, Technically, A Mouse WAS Making That Sound!

, , , , | Friendly | March 18, 2024

Late one evening, I was reading some interesting article online when I heard a rustling sound in a corner of my room. I couldn’t see anything moving, convinced myself I had imagined it or it was something outside, and continued reading.

The sound repeated.

I suspected some pieces of paper that I had placed on sloped surfaces could have shifted, but I got more and more nervous when I heard the sound several times more. There have been mice in our walls. Could one of them have gotten into my room?

I stepped over to the suspicious corner and stood there waiting for the sound, but nothing happened. Oh right, of course, a mouse would hide when someone approached it.

Confirming my theory, the sound only repeated after I had returned to my desk. Oh, no, oh no, there’s a mouse in my room! It’s going to eat all my books! What do I do?!

Long story short, that article I was reading was designed to look like a multi-page booklet, and “turning a page” made a rustling sound effect that was emitted by the speaker I have in that corner of the room.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!