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So Much For The Easy Rider

, , , , , | Working | February 14, 2023

I’m nineteen. We’ve just had a really busy time at my work, and we’ve all been rewarded with a cash bonus and some extra paid holiday. Ker-ching!

I decided to visit my parents and got a train early on my newly free Friday. It was very busy, but the First Class section was completely empty. Since I was flush with cash, I decided to sit there and pay the £20 upgrade cost.

I sat down at a table, put my ticket and a £20 note on it, and settled down for three hours of dozing. As the train pulled out of the station, the tea trolley guy appeared. The First Class upgrade included a free cup of tea, so when he came up to me, I smiled at him and started to ask for one.

Trolley Guy: “NO! Tea and coffee are only for legitimate First Class people.”

Me: “Oh, I thought it was included in the upgrade?”

Trolley Guy: “Don’t be rude to me! It’s only for people who have paid for First Class!”

Me: “Oh, never mind, then. The guard hasn’t taken my money yet. I’ll catch you on your way back after I’ve bought the upgrade.”

Trolley Guy: “Freeloader. You disgust me. Rude!

I was a bit confused, but okay, there had been a misunderstanding, and I was upgrading for a seat and leg room and quiet, not for a £20 cup of tea, so never mind.

The guard appeared.

Guard: “This area is for First Class passengers only.”

Me: “Yes, I’d like to upgrade, please. Here’s my ticket and my £20.”

I pointed at both on the table.

Guard: “You can’t just sit here, you know. The train might be busy, but this carriage is for First Class only.”

Me: “One upgrade to First Class, please!” *Hands him the £20*

Guard: “I could make you move to Standard Class, you know. You’re not entitled to sit here.”

Me: “I’d like to upgrade to First Class, please. Here’s my £20.”

Guard: “Fine, then. Fine.”

He handed me my upgrade ticket and snatched my £20.

The trolley guy appeared.

Trolley Guy: “Where did you get that upgrade ticket from?”

Me: “I bought it from the guard. I’d like a cup of tea, please.”

Trolley Guy: No. You’re rude.”

We reached the next station. The train was now full to bursting, and a bunch of people piled into First Class. The guard appeared and asked them for their tickets.

New People: “There’s no space, so we’re sitting here and not paying you for it.”

Guard: “That’s fine. I understand.”

Me: “Hi there! I’d like my money back. If others aren’t paying, neither should I, to be honest.”


Everyone else looked like they could kill me.

Trolley Guy: “Any free tea or coffee for people in here?”

Me: “I’d like a cup of tea, please.”

Trolley Guy: “LEGITIMATE CUSTOMERS ONLY! You’re so rude!

He then served everyone else. I never got my cup of tea.

I did, however, complain to the train company after I arrived home. I got a cash refund for my fare, two First Class upgrade vouchers, and an apology.

What I never got was any explanation of what I did to provoke this nonsense, except for being only nineteen… and for not being white.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!