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Oh, Boy(s)

, , , | Right | September 25, 2023

I am a customer at a party store getting some balloons filled. I see an exhausted-looking woman walk into the store with four boys, all under ten. They are being typical boys: running around, shouting, screaming, and grabbing merchandise from the shelf to find new ways to play.

Five minutes later, I see the same exhausted woman leave the store with a small bag of paper plates, the same four boys loudly in tow.

Five minutes after that, I hear an announcement over the store speakers.

Speaker: “Manager to the decorating aisle.”

The manager seems to be the guy filling my balloons, as he replies on his walkie.

Manager: “What is it? I’m with a customer.”

Employee: “It… uh… it looks like a clown exploded.”

Manager: “Uh… give me five.”

I felt sorry for the clean-up crew.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!