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Lordy, Lordy, Please Define “E-Sporty”

, , , , | Right | June 14, 2023

My friend’s E-Sports team manager wants a new logo, and my friend asks me if I want to do it. The manager wants to remain anonymous, so he is using my friend as a middleman. I have never met him before.

Me: “So, what kind of design does he want for his logo?”

Friend: “He says, ‘Make a design that you think I will like. I’m going on vacation for about a week, so I’ll look at what you have made when I get back.'”

Me: “Can you please ask him for any ideas that he has for this logo, like colors or symbols?”

Friend: “He said, ‘Something E-Sporty.'”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!