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Hate On Aisle Eight

, , , , , , , | Right | September 28, 2023

I work in a huge big-box store, and we’re having a sale on a lot of our electronic items. I’m manning the help desk when a customer comes over to me with a concerned look on her face. She speaks to me in an almost comical stage whisper.

Customer: “I just think you should know that… well… there’s this couple putting a lot of expensive stuff in their cart, but they don’t look like the sort who can afford it.”

Me: “Ma’am, do you think they’re planning on stealing merchandise?”

Customer: “Yes! I mean, they look the sort, if you know what I mean.”

Me: “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, ma’am. Are they acting suspicious?”

Customer: “Well, yes! They’re… you know…”

She is gesturing wildly like I am meant to know what this means.

Me: “Ma’am, what are you saying?”

She leans in, her comical stage whisper now even more comical.

Customer: “They’re Black!

Me: “Ma’am, are you saying that they can’t afford the items in their cart because they’re Black?”

Customer: “It’s just… well… suspicious.”

Me: “I am not going to take action against a customer because they’re Black, ma’am. That’s incredibly racist!”

Customer: “Well, I’ll keep an eye on them just in case. You’ll see!”

And with that, she darts off into the aisles before I can stop her. Suspecting this will end badly, I let a manager know and hopefully he can deal with the fallout.

About half an hour later, I’m called up to the front of the store by the manager. I arrive to see the manager, the same racist customer from before, and two police officers.

Manager: “Please tell these officers… Actually, I don’t know. The truth, I guess?”

Customer: “Tell them you have suspicious customers and we need to keep an eye on them!”

Me: “Ma’am, did you call the police?”

Customer: “Well, someone had to! Just in case!”

Officer #1: *To me* “We received a call about a suspected robbery at this store, ma’am.”

Me: “Wow… seriously? This customer seems to think some customers are about to steal just because they’re Black.”

At this, both officers wince, not just because I suspect they don’t want to be involved in yet another racially-charged incident involving the police, but one of them is also Black.

Officer #2: *To the customer, somewhat testily* “Ma’am, is this why you called us?”

Customer: “They have a lot of stuff in their cart! It’s suspicious!”

Manager: “Ma’am, we are having a sale!*To the officers* “Sorry that your time has been wasted, officers. Please feel free to grab a fountain soda for your trouble.”

Customer: “Wait. That’s it? You’re not even going to wait?”

Officer #1: “Wait for what, ma’am?”

Customer: “For when they make a run for it!”

Officer #1: “Ma’am, we’re not going to—”

While we’ve been talking, none of us have noticed that the perfectly lovely couple being targeted by this hateful bigot has already paid for their items — a lot of very nicely discounted electronics! — and are leaving the store with their long receipt ready to show to anyone who might need to review it.

We’re all silent as they obliviously exit the store, thankfully free from the knowledge of what almost went down. We all look pointedly at the customer.

Customer: “Well… they probably saw the two police officers and thought they should pay for the items, instead. You should be thanking me.”

Me: “Your ability to jump through so many mental hoops to put you in the right is astounding, you know that?”

Customer: *To the manager* “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

Manager: *To the officers* “Officers, this woman is harassing our customers, and I would like to have her escorted from the premises. She is banned… for life.”

Customer: “You can’t do that! I was only trying to help! I—”

Officer #1: “Please come with us, ma’am. Anything more from you and we’ll be escorting you to our car instead of your own.”

She finally shuts up as she realizes no one is seeing the world through her hateful eyes. As she leaves through the exit with the officers, she turns to us to get the last word and prove her self-delusion is absolute.

Customer: “I’m never coming back here anyway! You’re probably all complicit!”

Good riddance!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!