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Even Better: Just Send One Friend With A List

, , , , , , | Friendly | May 22, 2024

Years ago, I used to visit relatives in Plattsburgh, New York, sixty miles south of Montreal. A lot of Canadians used to go there to shop because of the good exchange rate from Canadian to US dollars.

The stupidest thing I ever saw was at a grocery store when a van and a “clown car” with Canadian plates pulled in. The van had only the driver, and the car held more people than I thought could fit in it.

When they finished shopping and brought all the carts out, they loaded the van, and there was only room for the driver.

For those who haven’t figured out the stupid part: they only needed to pack everyone into the car to make sure they could all fit for the trip back north. Once they made sure everyone would fit, most could have gotten in the van for the trip south and been comfortable.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!