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Cute Kids And Boba Bliss

, , , , , , | Right | CREDIT: punkyleaf | April 26, 2024

I haven’t had such polite customers in a while. It was two young kids who looked to be ten or eleven. They came in and asked if we still sold our boba tea drinks.

Me: “Of course. The menu is here. What flavors would you like?”

It took a minute, but they decided on two drinks: a mango and a plain milk tea.

The total was $12.42, and they emptied their hoodie pockets onto the countertop. It was mostly coins, and they had a few single dollar bills. Admittedly, I thought their parents hadn’t given them enough, but…

Kid #1: “We’ve been saving quarters just for your drinks!”

Kid #2: “We don’t know how much we have. Can you count it for us, please?”

I was going to spot them if they didn’t have enough — they were truly sweet kids — but they had enough.

I brewed the best boba drinks I had ever made. They were the politest guests I’d had in weeks. I made sure these cups were filled to the brim, with extra pearls and everything — the whole nine yards. These were blue ribbon-worthy drinks by the time I had them done.

They even pushed their chairs back in place. That’s a rarity where I work.

I know this is boring compared to a lot of stories, but it made my day, and I just wanted to share it. I hope they enjoyed their drinks today. They also insisted on tipping me a dollar in quarters “just because”.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!