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A Cartful Of Karma

, , , , , , | Right | January 10, 2024

A customer has spilled some liquid detergent in the aisle and just left it. Once it is discovered, I’m called over to manage the spill. I am literally on my knees with my cleaning equipment when I see a customer approach me with her shopping cart.

Me: “Ma’am, do you mind going around? We’re still trying to clean the spill.”

Customer: “It’s your job to clean after me, not my job to inconvenience myself for you.”

And with that, she just… pushes her cart through the puddle, spreading the mess further via the cart’s wheels. I actually have to get out of the way myself! She could have easily gone around me in the same aisle; she didn’t even need to take another aisle.

Later, when I have finished the spill, my manager finds me in the break room.

Manager: “Thanks for cleaning that spill earlier. I saw what that customer did to you.”

Me: “Oh, yeah, that was really mean.”

Manager: *Smiling evilly* “It’s okay, though; I made sure she got her Karma.”

Me: “What did you do?”

Manager: “I made sure when she was checking out that her transaction had an issue that could only be resolved by a higher manager. I also warned her that it would be a while before the higher manager was available.”

Me: “Oh, man!”

Manager: “When she asked why, I said, ‘Our poor manager was cleaning up a spill earlier and some inconsiderate customer just rode her cart over it and spread the mess all over the shop. It’s taking her a lot longer to clean it.’ That shut her right up. I made her wait another twenty minutes before I ‘stumbled upon’ a solution.” 

Me: “That’s beautiful; thank you!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!