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Unfiltered Story #253165

, , , | Unfiltered | February 11, 2022

I’m dead sick with my first sinus infection caused by my first allergy season for my newly decided seasonal allergies. Suffice to say I’m at the grocery store to doomsday stock vitamin c, soup broths, a large slew of medicine to manage my symptoms, and lots of sports drinks. It’s a fairly busy time of day at the grocery store. I’m waiting at the long self check out line when a bumbling older woman audibly gets behind me. She starts muttering to herself and I pay no mind until I start realize that she is talking about my size, for reference I’m a plus size gal and am very comfortable in my skin being plus size my whole life. She starts talking about how fat people need to lose weight, that they are ugly, will likely die alone, and have no place in a grocery store buying food when they need to go to the gym. I’m plotting my own snide come back until it’s my turn to go to a self check out counter when I turn around to address her then I see it- she is wearing a bonnet. Pioneer style huge bonnet with little delicate flowers in the print. Some Oregon Trail stuff and I really can’t help myself to a little bit of pettiness…

Me: This fat bitch may have a gut but I’m happy as hell and I don’t take any flack from old biddies in bonnets. Stay mad cunt!

Her face went all twisted and she just kept sputtering to herself about how disgusting fat people are while the guy in line behind her stifled his laughter. I’m normally the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. Catch me when I’m sick and all that benefit of the doubt goes away!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!