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Unfiltered Story #244645

, , | Unfiltered | September 30, 2021

This story happened when I was around six. I was walking with my dad in a mall when we were approached by an old lady.
Her: (to my dad) Excuse me…why are you letting your son wear sneakers.
Dad: (confused) What?
Her: Didn’t you listen to the radio this morning? The government issued a warning. Wearing sneakers can damage a child’s vision. That’s why your son has to use glasses, because he wears sneakers.
Dad: (even more confused) Ma’am, I don’t know what you heard, but you must have misheard…
Her: I know what I heard! It’s up to you if you let your son go blind for using sneakers.
She leaves, angry that her warnings fell on deaf ears.
Me: What the hell has just happened?
Dad: (still trying to make some sense of what happened)…no clue.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!