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Unfiltered Story #226589

, , , | Unfiltered | February 26, 2021

Our store recently received a massive upgrade and as such, the whole store was completely renovated. One day during the renovations, the self service checkouts were closed down and fenced off while new machines were being installed. Even though extra staff are on the express lane and large checkouts, the lines are still long.
Me: Hi, how are you today?
Customer 1: Not happy!
Me: I’m sorry to hear that, is there anything I can help you with?
Customer 1: I shouldn’t have to stand in line for this long! It’s stupid to close off those machines. Why you people think it’s appropriate to waste my time is beyond me! Pathetic! I’m in a rush and I’ll probably be late now!
Customer 2: Look lady, it’s not his fault if you are crap at time management. Here’s an idea, set you alarm for half an hour earlier if you don’t want to be late.
Customer 1 then went silent and didn’t say another word. I really love it when good customers stick up for us against bratty and entitled rude customers.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!