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Unfiltered Story #168968

, , , | Unfiltered | October 5, 2019

(I am waiting behind a woman at a local Japanese-style teriyaki joint in my local mall’s food court. She doesn’t seem to be paying too much attention to the signs on the counter that detail different prices for add-ons and side dishes, while I’m very familiar with their menu.)

Cashier: Hello! What can I get you today?

Woman: Let me get the…daily special. The chicken teriyaki with the rice.

Cashier: White or fried?

Woman: What?

Cashier: White rice or fried rice?

Woman: Fried.

(The cashier proceeds to get the woman’s tray ready and waits for her to finish.)

Woman: What are the prices on the drinks?

Cashier: *showing her the two cup sizes* This is $1.59, this is $1.79.

Woman: Let me get the $1.59 one. You got [soda brand]?

Cashier: We do!

(She rings up the woman’s order and then tells the woman the total.)

Woman: Wait, that can’t be right. The special is [amount]. It should be lower.

Cashier: You asked for fried rice. It’s fifty cents extra. *points to the shiny and colorful sign saying just that*

Woman: *not paying attention* What?! You should have a sign saying that instead of just asking white or fried rice!

(The woman’s just as huffy when she’s waiting for her food. I guess some people can’t read signs when they’re in a bad mood!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!