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Unfiltered Story #153752

, , | Unfiltered | June 6, 2019

(one day while at work our baker did not show up so we were a man down and had trouble keeping up)

Me: hello how may i help you

Customer: hi can i have (doughnut)

Me: i am sorry we ran out of that doughnut would you like another one

Customer: ill wait

Me: i am sorry but we don’t have the doughnut and our baker didn’t come today

Customer: ok ill wait

Me: sir we don’t have the doughnut is there another doughnut you want

Customer: nope ill wait
(hands me a dollar)

Me: sir we don’t have the doughnut right now

Customer: let me speak to your manager

Me: Ok

(i call the manager over she ends up getting the customer out then about a day later the customer complains to my boss my boss tried to explain the situation of why we didn’t have the doughnut. We never saw the customer again)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!