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Unfiltered Story #147746

, , | Unfiltered | April 24, 2019

*Two older Caucasian ladies come in*

Me: “Hi there, for two?”

Lady #1: “Hi, I’m looking for a restaurant I’m meeting with friends around here that serves a soup with coconut milk. Do you guys serve that?”

Me: “Ahh miss we’re a Japanese ramen restaurant, we don’t add any coconut to our soups. I know Thai restaurants do that, although I don’t know of any Thai restaurants around here.”

Lady #1: “Oh right, Thai. I guess we’ll just eat here and wait for our friends.”

*During the entire time they ask a lot of questions regarding our soups which I don’t mind. They finish their meal, leave, and 3 minutes later come back storming in*

Lady #1: “YOU LIED TO ME!. We just walked by this Thai restaurant next door and saw our friends that we’ve been waiting for this entire time and you said there were no Thai restaurants around here!!”

Me: “Uhhhh, that’s a Taiwanese restaurant.”

*Completely oblivious, she continues to try and argue with me about the differences in the two countries. She also lectures me about if I were to go Germany and pronounce words I would be in the same situation*

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!