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Unfiltered Story #100064

, , , | Unfiltered | November 13, 2017

(I retail gas barbecues and I am showing a customer an upmarket model with a generous storage cabinet in it’s base.)

Customer: “What would I keep in the cabinet?”

Me: “What ever you would like.”

Customer: “Yes, but what would I put in there?”

Me: “It would be your barbecue; you could put anything in there that you want.”

Customer: “I want you to tell me what I would put in the cabinet.”

Me: “Well, you could keep a vinyl cover in there, perhaps some barbecue utensils, or even sauces or spices that you regularly use.”

Customer: “Oh, that’s silly, I wouldn’t put that there.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!