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You Have And Don’t Have Mail

, | Working | August 3, 2015

(I’m awaiting a parcel and usually, when I’m not home, I will just have to pick them up at a nearby store. However, this time it is returned to sender, so I call the delivery company.)

Me: “Hi, I just wanted to ask you to send me my parcel again.”

Call-Centre Agent: “Okay, why did you not receive it the first time?”

Me: “Honestly, I’m not quite sure. I just got a note saying you neither found my doorbell nor my mailbox, so it was sent back.”

Call-Centre Agent: “Okay, so what’s so weird about that note? Maybe you—”

Me: “Let me stop you there. I found this note in my mailbox. Which you can only reach if you rang the doorbell first.”

Call-Centre Agent: “…I have NO idea how they managed to mess that up. I’ll order your parcel to be sent again.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!