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You Didn’t Do Muffin Wrong

, , , | Right | June 9, 2023

I once had a customer that was upset there weren’t any assorted muffin packages available. Therefore, she decided to take it upon herself to open up six packages of muffins and make her own assorted package by herself with bare hands.

I was mad and confronted her.

Me: “Ma’am, now I have to throw out all these opened muffin packages because of your actions.”

I suggested better options that she could have taken, but of course, they were all very inconvenient and unsuitable. I suggested calling ahead to ask about the muffins or asking for help. All were met with rude and dismissive replies.

I ended up getting hauled up to the office by my boss with a written first-strike warning over the situation.

Boss: “What do you feel you did wrong here?”

And all I could come up with was:

Me: “…I suppose I embarrassed her?”

And that was exactly the reason why I was getting my first strike. We were a small-town business, and it turned out that the customer was my boss’s neighbour. He chose to believe her lies over my words.

Even though we are talking about an incident that happened twenty years ago, I’m still bitter today over the whole incident.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!