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Won’t Sign Off On Their Confidence

, , , , | Right | May 23, 2024

I’m in line at the grocery store. The customer ahead of me tries to pay with some cash.

Cashier: “Sorry, sir, this checkout is card-only.”

Customer: “Ugh! Seriously? You need a sign!”

Cashier: “If we had a sign, would you see it?”

Customer: *Scoffs* “Duh, of course!”

Cashier: *Points to a sign at the beginning of the checkout lane*

Cashier: *Points to a sign at the checkout itself*

Cashier: *Points to a sign hanging above the checkout lane*

I never saw a customer deflate so fast!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!