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When It’s Not The Toddlers Having The Tantrum

, , , , | Right | October 27, 2023

I work at a large superstore that caters to mothers and their children. An older woman (likely the granny) with some twins comes up to me.

Customer: “Can you get us a trolley, please?”

The trolleys are outside and it’s raining. Our trolleys are minuscule but do have one seat for a kid on them. I take one in, passing a couple walking in, and dry the trolley off for Granny.

Customer: “No, you idiot! Can’t you see I have twins here? I need a bigger one with two seats!”

Me: “I’m afraid these are the only kinds of trolleys with seats that we have.”

Customer: “You are rude and disrespectful!”

Bear in mind, she is saying all this while I am drying the trolley, something I offered to do and wasn’t asked to do.

Customer: “I’ll never be able to manage to buy what I need while keeping an eye on the kids! So, I won’t be shopping here!”

Seconds later, the couple I had passed earlier were walking around with the granny; they were the parents, apparently. The kids, despite the extra help, were running riot and making a mess.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!