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Unable To Swipe This Refund Under The Rug

, , , , | Right | December 15, 2022

A lady comes into the store with her husband, carrying a rug.

Customer: “I want to return this rug.”

We go through the return process.

Me: “I will be returning $99 back to the card you purchased the rug with. Can you please swipe your card?”

Customer: “Uh… I don’t think so. You have it on sale for $129! I want $129! And I want it in cash!”

Me: “You purchased the rug on sale, ma’am, so we can only return it for the same price you purchased it at.”

Customer: “No! You will honor your current price! Get me your manager!”

I got my manager and handed the customer over to her. I felt really bad for her forty-five minutes later when I was finishing my shift, and I saw that the customer was still yelling at her as I left.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!