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Tis The Season For Unreason, Part 3

, , , | Right | December 25, 2015

(It is the day after Christmas and we’re desperately trying to work through the heavy traffic in the store. The line is about 20 minutes from the end to being helped.)

Me: “May I help the next customer in line?”

(A customer comes up with a fussy infant in her arms, an eight-year-old, and a five-year-old. The eight-year-old places a marketing box on the counter.)

Customer: “He wants that and has gift cards.”

Me: “All right, let me just double-check if I have this in stock right now.” *looks it up in the computer* “Oh, unfortunately, it looks like we’ve run out, but [five other locations] all have this item. Would you like me to call and have them hold one for you? Or, if you would rather, I can order it from our online store right here and you can use your gift cards today? We offer free shipping right to your home.”

Customer: *screaming* “I have been waiting in line for 30 minutes with what is obviously an irritated child and you don’t HAVE it?! Shame on you for having the box out!”

Me: “I’m really very sorry but we are required to display the marketing until a certain date regardless of stock because the company has paid for the space in the store.”

Customer: “Well, it’s false advertising and I can’t believe I just waited for nothing! I had to get them all in the car and then we waited here. You obviously don’t know how hard that is to do!”

Me: “I realize it is an event to do so; however, you can see our current stock through our online site and then call us to hold an item to guarantee we’ll have one for when you get here. Unfortunately, we’ve been out of this item since before Christmas and we haven’t gotten any new shipment because of the holidays.”

Customer: “I am never shopping here again. Ridiculous!”

This story is part of our After Christmas roundup!

Read the next After Christmas roundup story!

Read the After Christmas roundup!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!