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This No Longer Fits

, , , , | Right | March 22, 2021

I work in a retail store that sells mostly clothing so, naturally, we have multiple fitting rooms. A couple of weeks ago, we closed our smallest fitting room to expand our online pickup storage area. This fitting room had three stalls and was really barely used. It also has a maintenance closet in it already, so it made the most sense to get rid of.

There is now a big door with both an electronic padlock and a sign stating that is for associates only. I go to the now-storage room to store some fixtures I had broken down and find two ladies standing outside it.

Customer: *Demanding* “Let us in!”

Me: “Ma’am, this is no longer a fitting room and is for employees only.”

This conversation goes on for a couple of minutes; they don’t understand what I mean when I say that it’s no longer a fitting room. I’m standing there trying to think how else I can word, “No, you can’t go in because it isn’t a fitting room; it has a sign and lock and it’s pretty d*** obvious.”

Eventually, it clicks.

Customer: “Well, where is the fitting room?”

Me: “The big women’s fitting room is still open in the middle of the women’s department.”

Customer: “It’s inconvenient for us to go to that fitting room!”

That is the bigger and better fitting room in the middle of the department, versus this old one which is tiny and shoved in a corner. Seriously, how else do you explain something that is labeled as “employees only”? Do you want to get into our break room and stockroom, too?

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!