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This Is Why Self-Checkout Was Invented

, , , , | Right | CREDIT: sorrynofunnyname | March 11, 2022

I’m a teenager working at a grocery store. One day, I was working the cash register, and this old lady in an electric scooter came to my line.

Customer: “I want my refrigerated stuff separate from my freezer stuff, in plastic and then in paper bags.”

The sacker and I were trying our best to keep them separated, but then…

Customer: “Put that bag with the chemicals (cleaners and stuff) in the refrigerated stuff bag!”

After all of that, she gave me an old receipt with a bottle of vitamins that was purchased a month before.

Customer: “I want to return this; I got the wrong kind.”

I called my supervisor, and he took it and walked over to the manager. I could tell that she was angry. He was able to process the return, thankfully, saving me and the sacker from being yelled at.

Then, the woman tried to pay with a check. At my store, we accept checks, but a valid ID must be present so we can copy down the numbers.

Me: “Can I see your ID, please?”

Customer: “I lost it, but I have the numbers and such already written down on the check.”

Me: “I can’t process a check without your ID, for verification purposes.”

She then began digging in her purse for it. Five minutes passed, and she thankfully found it, so I was able to complete the transaction. I handed her the receipt and told her to have a good day, and she didn’t even say anything. Luckily, the customers behind her were understanding and weren’t upset because of the wait.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!