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The Christmas Season Starts Earlier Every Year

, , , , | Right | December 25, 2023

A government department is asking us to design flyers and information posters for Christmas events that will take place in the town. It is currently September, so we have plenty of time to design what we need before the holiday season.

Client: “We liked what you put together for the part about the winter market, but the photos you used are from the market from last year.”

Me: *Waiting to hear what the issue is.* “Yes, we did. We used stock photos that were in the asset package you sent.”

Client: “Well, the winter market will look completely different for this year, so can you use this year’s?”

Me: “Is this year’s market built already?”

Client: “That usually happens around November.”

Me: “So you want us to wait until November to get these ready?”

Client: “No, we need them now.”

Me: “But it’s September.”

Client: “Yes.”

I say nothing, hoping (praying) that these pieces of information coalesce into the obvious realization that the client is asking me to perform time travel. This does not happen.

Me: “We can’t do that.”

Client: “Why not?”

Me: “Because the market isn’t built yet.”

Client: “Yes.”

Me: “No, that wasn’t a question. I am telling you, since the market isn’t built yet there can’t be photos of it.”

Client: “I don’t understand.”


Me: “You’re asking me to use photos of a market that hasn’t been built yet. That’s impossible.”

There is some shuffling on the other end of the line, and I hear another voice taking over.

Other Client: “Hi! Sorry about him, we… can’t explain him. Anyway, what you’ve provided is great! We’ll be in touch about any changes we’d like to make! Thanks and bye!” *Click.*

I never got a call from that other guy again. I hope he wasn’t given anything important to do…

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!