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Some Jocks Never Grow Out Of That Attitude

, , , , | Healthy | August 16, 2022

I work at a physiotherapy clinic staffed by doctors of some prestige. We usually get athletes from various sports, though we occasionally get “normal people” in need of a physical tune-up, too.

One day, we receive both a young man recovering from a water deposit in his ankle after a sprain and a female volleyball player with shoulder pains. Both are scheduled with the same doctor.

The two stay in the waiting room for a little while, and then the player gets up.

Volleyball Player: “I’ve been waiting too long. Can you page Dr. [Orthopedist] for me?”

Me: “Can I have your name, please?”

Volleyball Player: “That would be [Surname].”

I glance at the appointments on my screen.

Me: “I’m sorry, but even if I did page him, there’s going to be Mr. [Young Man] first.”

Volleyball Player: “Screw that guy. He doesn’t have a championship to attend.”

Me: “And waiting a few hours will make you miss it, Mrs. [Volleyball Player]? I don’t think so.”

Volleyball Player: “No, it won’t, but why should I wait?”

Me: “Because you scheduled it later than Mr. [Young Man] did?”

Volleyball Player: “Bah. Never mind, then. I bet he’ll make me go first anyway.”

And she goes back to her seat. After a little while, the doctor peers from beyond the door.

Doctor: “Mr. [Young Man], you are next.”

The volleyball player gets up while the young man struggles in an attempt to get a decent, non-painful footing.

Doctor: “No, [Volleyball Player], it’s not your appointment yet. We have been through this several times. If you don’t want to pay for therapy out of pocket, you’d better go sit back down.”

The volleyball player stopped and dawdled for a bit before going back to the seat and letting the man before her go get his appointment as scheduled.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!